About Healing Blue Inc.
Growing up with trauma is different for everyone.
You may have had a parent who called you names when you were little, said in different words that you would never amount to anything, or told you in other words that you were never good enough.
They made you feel responsible for their anger, frustration, disappointments, compared you to others such as your siblings, cousins, or friends – always finding you lacking.
If only you behaved the way that they wanted, they wouldn’t get so angry or be so sad, causing you to think – “Oh, why did you anger them? Why do you have to make them feel bad?
They may have bought you everything but still never really saw you for you. Or perhaps, you constantly walked on eggshells around them, never quite comfortable at home,

Experiences at school were traumatic.
People made fun of you in school for not wearing the best clothes, speaking funny, going to school dirty, or being too skinny. You did not look good enough or looked different from the other kids, causing you to feel different than the other kids.
You never felt heard, seen, or believed. When you spoke your truth, those that should have protected you ignored you or told you it wasn’t true. So, you learned to hold the pain within yourself.
For being so poor, you were always hungry and didn’t know the source of your next meal. Alternatively, you had everything you wanted except what you needed – love and attention from those you loved the most. Perhaps you experienced physical or emotional beatings.
Any of these leave scars that stay for a long time – forming ideas about ourselves and the world around us.
Individuals are unique, and trauma presents itself differently in every person.
Some present the consequences of trauma by being easily offended or hurt, not having a solid sense of identity, or feeling inadequate as a man or woman.
Some individuals are incapable of forgiving themselves, don’t trust themselves or others, or are rigid and perfectionists.
You might cling to relationships, even when they are not suitable for you, or you are a people pleaser, saying yes when you want to say no.
You may be self-critical, afraid of being hurt, are attracted to emotionally unavailable people, need external validation from others, or feel that there is something wrong with you in the deepest parts of yourself.

Current difficult life events intensify past traumas.
Pregnancy, childbirth, starting a new job, workplace stressors, car accident, separation or divorce, marriage, death of a loved one, arguments with family, financial problems, or moving to a new place can provide triggers for intensifying past trauma.
How trauma presents itself clinically is through depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, difficulty in relationships, or life transitions.

Healing Blue Inc.’s mission is to heal trauma.
The founding principle of Healing Blue Inc. is a commitment to get to the root cause and heal the deep wounds that inform ideas about self and the world.
We aim to achieve deep healing and self-transformation.
Like the waves of the ocean, there will be ups and downs in life. But it’s how we ride those waves to find a life worth living that matters.
Our commitment is to provide healing to our small corner of the world, one individual at a time!
Here’s how we work.
Once you call, our priority is to get back to you as soon as we can. At the most, we take 24 hours to return your call.
Then, we will schedule a 20-minute consultation with you to see if we can help you. If we are not the right place, we will help find you a better fit.
When you first meet us, you will find us friendly as we greet you warmly.
We will invite you to share whatever feels ok to share while listening carefully and nodding in understanding that we get you. You can now take a deep breath because you are safe here.
We greet your story with the respect it deserves. We understand the long journey it took to get you here. The courage that it took was not for nothing.

We require….
…a commitment to yourself, a promise to show up for yourself, to do the hard work, and push through even on days you would rather not keep pushing – especially on those days.
We require you to imagine a future self, free from all the old ideas about yourself.
We want you to believe that it is possible, even if you do not have an exact idea of what it will look like in the future.

When you leave therapy
You will leave therapy as you but wholly transformed.
How is that possible? By the time you leave, you would have worked through the specific event that brought you to therapy. But if you allow us, you also will have worked through old traumas and dysfunctions that informed your view of self and the world around you.
So regardless of life’s ups and downs, you will know how to ride those waves.
You will live a life worth living – one completely transformed and free.
A brief history of Healing Blue…
I’m Maria. I founded Healing Blue in 2018 in response to a pattern that kept showing up with the individuals I worked with in therapy.
They sought therapy for a recent life event such as work stressors, relationship difficulties, changes in life transitions, etc. Still, they most had earlier life experiences that made coping and pushing through challenging events even harder.
They all had undergone traumatic events in their childhood. They had survived their childhood, but the wounds were deep. They had learned ways to cope that served them in childhood but coping no longer helped them as adults.
The ideas they formed about themselves shaped the choices they made in life. For example, if they form an idea in childhood that one is “not good enough,” one walks through life with this idea. It’s embedded in the deepest part of our being, as most childhood experiences are.
Reshape negative to positive beliefs
Do those ideas influence the choices we make in terms of careers, partners, or friends?
If deeply embedded in our being is the belief that we are not good enough, what do we allow our partners in the relationship, our friends, and family to do to us? How do we behave at work?
How do the ways we live our life make us feel? And can we cope well when tough things happen?
The design of the work we will do together helps uproot those negative beliefs. We teach you how to cope at the moment with life’s challenging events, and then we get started in the deep transformative work.
All of us are committed to our mission – join us!